I walk along the beach
On broken shells
On the wet and dry sand
On a seaweed laden shore.
Dashing to and fro
Rolling crashing receding
Intoxicating all that is near.
From a shimmering setting sun
A golden ball slips
Lower and lower.
Then suddenly it is gone
It dips away and leaves behind
A sky of pink and blue
The dusk sets in as the clouds float by
The sky takes on the colours
From the light of the fading sun.
The colours dissipate.
The sun is gone ‘til the morrow
Blackness leads you back to the shore
The light celebration over for the night.
All that is now left
Is the a deserted beach
Waves still rolling like white horses
In the dark of the night.
Reality kicks in, dull and bleak
It is now a dark winter’s night
Clutching you in it’s unwelcome cold.
Edging you back home.
Back in your bed
You lie in the black inkiness of night
Your dreams hover over you
Then sweep you into the warm rose tinted light.
Out of the reality of the darkness
Dreams envelop, guiding you on
To the warm honey coloured images
Of the other life.
Escaping reality of your internal clock
It ticking freeing and guiding you
To the light of a timeless setting
Of the other life.
Birds twitter, music fills the air.
Free from the darkness of the bleary night
Entangled in laughter and light.