Friday, August 31, 2007
Dexter's Lesson
He climbs over the old tree stump which is kept together only by the disintegrating outer bark. The inside of the stump is just a powder of broken-down bark and tree dust. Sad. This dust used to be the core of the tree.
Could this be a symbol of what I am now, as I sit in this garden, full of despair?
Is this the platform from which I must launch myself to embark on the journey of finding my ‘Authentic Self”, my Inner Child, - my ‘Mini Me’?
Dexter has moved onto another part of the garden now, still looking, still investigating. I wonder what he has found?
He struts off to another part of the garden, lies down to rest and basks in the rays of the sun. He lies a while and then he is off again, leaving the old stump and the dried out plants and wanders to another part of the garden, the part of the garden where the grass is green and plants survive.
He comes bounding back and lies down beside me, his story told.
Is this his lesson?
Is this why this little dog came so inexplicably into my life?
What if I am that old decrepit wasted tree stump? My core in tatters, like dust.
Old bark holding the ashes of my core together. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
The time has come. I must transform myself and let the Phoenix rise again.
Dexter moves onto another part of the garden, still looking, still investigating.
I wonder what he has found?
Has he found the secret to life and has he, in his own little way, played out this scene to show me what it is all about.?
7th August 2005
Poem to Dexter
Enriching our lives like never before
You were only three weeks old
Found discarded in a rubbish bin
We didn’t think you’d make it
But you proved us all wrong
Your strong spirit prevailed
As you wove your way into our lives
At first you looked like a tiny bat
On that dark, wet, freezing cold day
Your life blood flowed
And you grew stronger day by day
Your playful antics keep us on our toes
You are a little dog who gives us your all
We love you little Dexter
You are the epitome of Joy
March 2005
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Sunset Beach

I walk along the beach
On broken shells
On the wet and dry sand
On a seaweed laden shore.
Dashing to and fro
Rolling crashing receding
Intoxicating all that is near.
From a shimmering setting sun
A golden ball slips
Lower and lower.
Then suddenly it is gone
It dips away and leaves behind
A sky of pink and blue
The dusk sets in as the clouds float by
The sky takes on the colours
From the light of the fading sun.
The colours dissipate.
The sun is gone ‘til the morrow
Blackness leads you back to the shore
The light celebration over for the night.
All that is now left
Is the a deserted beach
Waves still rolling like white horses
In the dark of the night.
Reality kicks in, dull and bleak
It is now a dark winter’s night
Clutching you in it’s unwelcome cold.
Edging you back home.
Back in your bed
You lie in the black inkiness of night
Your dreams hover over you
Then sweep you into the warm rose tinted light.
Out of the reality of the darkness
Dreams envelop, guiding you on
To the warm honey coloured images
Of the other life.
Escaping reality of your internal clock
It ticking freeing and guiding you
To the light of a timeless setting
Of the other life.
Birds twitter, music fills the air.
Free from the darkness of the bleary night
Entangled in laughter and light.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
The Road Not Taken
roads diverged in a yellow wood,
sorry I could not travel both and be one traveler,
I stood and looked down one as far as I could -
where it bent in the undergrowth;
took the other,
just as fair and having perhaps the better claim,
it was grassy and wanted wear;
as for that the passing there
worn them really about the same,
both that morning equally lay
leaves no step has trodden black.
I kept the first for another day!
knowing how way leads on to way,
doubted if I should ever come back.
shall be telling this with a sigh
ages and ages hence:
roads diverged in a wood, and I -
took the one less traveled by,
that has made all the difference.